“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove . . . but the world may be different . . . because I was important in the life of a child.”

~ Forest E. Whitcraft

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Preparing a Future Kindergarten Student for the First Day of School

One of the hardest parts of the back to school season is getting kids out the door on time. You can make this easier for your future kindergartner by adopting a daily routine that has her getting up each day at the time he will have to rise for school. Make sure to change bed times too, if necessary.

Your child may need ten or more hours of sleep in order to be healthy, so be sure she is in bed early enough at night. Schedule a rest time for a nap or for quiet play or reading. Schools that have a full day program usually do this after lunch. if your child is attending half-day kindergarten, you can ask the teacher when the nap time will be.

Have your future kindergartner go through the morning school preparation each day, just as if he were going to school. This means not only having him up at the same time each day, but getting him to eat breakfast, dress and groom himself, and do any morning chores he is expected to do before school. Have him put on his school clothes or uniform, instead of wearing play clothes.


Credit: S Brumley

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