Before you go out to buy school supplies, have a plan for keeping them safe so you don't have to replace them. Order fancy labels or create your own. Make sure you have labels for everything - from clothing and footwear, to school supplies and backpacks.
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Stick to the basics: HB pencils from a reputable company. The fancy pencils from the dollar store are not school supplies. No elementary student should be writing in ink until he has legible penmanship. It is preferable to wait until he has mastered cursive writing. A reliable black or blue ballpoint is all he needs for school. Leave the multicoloured gel pens at home.
Crayons, Markers and Pencil Crayons
When it comes to markers and pencil crayons, buy name brands that will last. For younger elementary students, be sure to buy non-toxic school supplies and choose washable markers wherever possible.
Scissors and Glue
Students need a good pair of safety scissors all the way through elementary school. When buying glue, try to get what the teacher recommends. They know what workd and what lasts. Buying the brand they suggest can save you money.
Paper and Notebooks
Paper is so often wasted in elementary school classrooms. Teachers tend to request much more than students will use, so watch out for first-grade school supply lists asking for ten 72-page Hilroy exercise books.
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